Explore Everfield's Ecosystem


Written by Everfield | Jul 9, 2024 6:55:23 AM

Founded in 2015, ParkHere is a Munich-based software company for smart parking. They have over 100 corporate customers in the DACH region, including Henkel, Telefónica, Zurich, and HochTief. Their vision is to drive employee happiness through parking.

ParkHere’s product is a combination of digital dashboard, mobile apps for iOS and Android, and physical access terminal in parking garages. They are committed to helping companies maximise the value of their parking spaces by providing easy-to-use solutions that drive efficiency and employee satisfaction.

The mobile app allows employees and guests to easily book and manage parking spaces daily, the dashboard provides building administrators with a single place to manage their company’s parking lot, and the access terminals allow entry via automatic license plate recognition.

ParkHere's focus is on creating a seamless and enjoyable user experience for all stakeholders. The ParkHere app integrates with the Microsoft Teams app, allowing users to reserve and manage their parking bookings in the work collaboration apps they use every day.

As the consumer demand for hybrid and electric vehicles continues to rise, ParkHere also manages access to electric vehicle charging systems in company parking garages. By combining smart parking and smart charging, companies can optimize the use of charging points and enable multiple daily use thanks to the intelligent switching system.

Founded by Felix Harteneck, Clemens Techmer, and Jakob Sturm, ParkHere has strong support from the UnternehmerTUM ecosystem in Munich, and won the VDE award from the Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies in Southern Bavaria (VDE) in 2017.

In 2020, they were recognised as one of the top 3 most innovative companies in the Prop-Tech Innovation Awards, an initiative by GERMANTECH and Union Investment, and a top 10 finalist of The Spark – The German Digital Award.

The team has more than 30 employees as of March, 2024.